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Frequently Asked Questions

What is CClarity?

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CClarity is a content creation product for B2B founders to generate LinkedIn posts that sound like them, helping them to build an audience and get more inbound leads through LinkedIn.

How are you different from ChatGPT?

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For starters, we do not use ChatGPT for content creation. Our content output is finely tuned for LinkedIn and sounds much more natural and human.

How are you different from other content generation products?

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Unlike other tools that usually cover multiple social media channels, CClarity is focused on LinkedIn. This means our product is focused and specialised in helping you grow your B2B business.

I'm a marketer. Can I use CClarity for my company? 

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Yes! Please send Keith a DM on LinkedIn.

I'm an agency owner. Can I use CClarity for my agency? 

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Yes! Please send Keith a DM on LinkedIn.